domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Burros Sugestão de Leitura

 Em pleno "Mês dos Afetos" não resistimos a aconselhar a leitura de Burros, de Adelheid Dahimène e Heide Stöllinger. 
Editado em Portugal pela Orfeu, podemos encontrá-lo nas estantes da secção infanto-juvenil, mas é leitura aconselhável e que certamente trará alguns minutos de deleite e (talvez) reflexão a burros velhos... sim, daqueles que acham que já aprenderam todas as línguas que tinham para aprender! 
Recomendado pelo PNL para o 3º ano do 1º ciclo


sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

100 coisas que faltarão às crianças se não tiverem um Professor Bibliotecário na sua escola

100 Things Kids Will Miss If they don’t have a School Librarian in their School
Released by Dr. Nancy Everhart ( President, American Association of School Librarians May 19, 2011

Books that are professionally selected to meet school and personal needs.
Equitable access to computers and other forms of technology.
Someone to talk to and someone who listens – the school librarian.
A place to get help when they need it.
A place to assemble with their friends openly.
Learning experiences that are enhanced through teacher/librarian collaboration.
How to evaluate information.
How to create information.
How to share information with others.
How to self-assess their work.
Project-based learning and the critical thinking skills it teaches them.
A place where the school culture is fostered and thrives.
A recommendation for a book that is suited to their interest.
A recommendation on what to read next.
Having stories read to them.
Respect for intellectual property.
A place to practice safe and ethical behaviors.
A librarian who doesn't judge a student because he/she takes out a book they enjoy reading.
A place to solve problems.
A place to use their imagination.
Book clubs.
Special programs and speakers.
Author visits.
Video chats with authors and experts.
Reading contests and prizes.
Instruction in how to use statewide databases.
Resources that align with the curriculum.
Acquiring 21st century skills.
Learning confidence.
Book fairs.
A quiet place to learn.
One-on-one instruction.
A safe forum to explore new ideas.
The opportunity to borrow digital cameras, recorders, and laptops.
The ability to experiment with and master new technology.
Materials matched to their learning style.
Accepting learning as a life skill, not just an academic necessity.
The potential for higher standardized test scores.
Citing sources correctly.
Using information ethically.
Creating READ posters.
Creating book trailers.
Preparation for college.
Summer reading lists and programs.
Borrowing materials on interlibrary loan from public and college libraries.
Having resources available for school projects at the public library because the school librarian collaborated with them.
Cloud computing.
Learning to be a good digital citizen.
Poetry slams.
Battle of the books.
Digital literacy.
Time during homeroom, during lunch, during the school day, and after school to work on projects when they have no other access to computers.
Quality control.
A place to visit that is open, friendly, attractive, and a safe haven.
Additional resources for their classrooms.
In-depth exploration of a topic.
A knowledgeable, interested adult with whom to discuss books.
A library website that offers access 24–7 to an online catalog, selected electronic resources, databases, and curriculum-related websites.
Synthesizing information from diverse perspectives.
Writing a thesis statement or a critical question.
Reflecting on the information-seeking process.
Developing teamwork.
Responding to literature.
Using social media websites and tools (i.e., blogs, wikis, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) safely and responsibly.
Assistance and guidance in completing homework assignments Recommending books to their friends.
Help with history fair, science fair projects. A place to "shop" for free.
A place to practice decision-making skills.
The library, like the cafeteria and the gym, are places where all students (crossing grade levels and ability levels) mingle with one another.
Opportunities for meaningful student leadership A program that always differentiates to teach, support, and enrich.
A conduit for information to increase efficiency in the entire building.
Teachers who have had exposure to instructional support and collaboration.
Access to subscription databases, including time-saving instruction on which databases are appropriate for particular projects;
Technology expertise and instruction on software and web applications for writing, collaboration and presentation.
A connection between the outside world and the classroom.
The ability to construct and defend arguments E-readers.
Resources that will broaden their global perspective A smile of genuine pleasure for coming through the door.
Going beyond academic requirements.
Organizing personal knowledge.
Responding to literature.
Adapting to new situations.
Developing personal productivity.
Celebrating reading.
Celebrating learning.
A place to display their work both physically and virtually.
A place where the digital divide doesn’t exist.
A place to use their imaginations.
Learning the implications of a digital footprint.
Making recommendations for books that are followed.
Teachers who extend learning experiences beyond the classroom.
How to search efficiently and effectively.
Respect for copyright and intellectual property.
Helping other students.
A place to study without grades.

Taken from: Standards for the 21st Century Learner by the American Association of School Librarians, suggestions from members of the American Association of School Librarians, and students in the school libraries of the United States. 

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

As histórias, o cortisol e a oxitocina

 A neuroquímica da empatia

O vídeo reproduzido abaixo explicita a relação entre audição de histórias e a libertação de neurotransmissores como o cortisol e a oxitocina.


segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Encontro com Francisco Moita Flores

Biblioteca da Escola Oliveira Júnior

Francisco Moita Flores esteve na Escola EB/S Oliveira Júnior, num encontro com alunos do ensino secundário, no dia 31 de janeiro.  A investigação criminal e a ciência forense  foram as grandes temáticas exploradas pelos alunos do Curso Profissional de Análises Laboratoriais que colaboraram com a biblioteca na preparação da sessão, realizada com a preciosa colaboração das Edições ASA.
A partir dos livros do dr. Francisco Moita Flores ­- especialista da criminologia em Portugal -, alunos e professores exploraram estas temáticas, recorrentes na sua obra, e prepararam pequenas encenações e  questões que lhe apresentaram ao longo da sessão.
O profundo conhecimento destas matérias aliado ao grande poder comunicativo do autor e a uma sensibilidade raramente encontrada nas figuras públicas,  levaram os cerca de 280 participantes a permanecerem atentos  durante toda a sessão e a não quererem deixá-lo partir.
A biblioteca viu, por isso,  os seus objetivos para este encontro serem  integralmente cumpridos e até ultrapassados. Uma  sessão prevista para promoção da leitura e da escrita,  transformou-se numa aula viva, num momento autêntico de aprendizagem,  durante o qual o mestre e discípulos se envolveram e partilharam o saber.

Teremos sempre muito gosto em receber o nosso amigo Francisco Moita Flores.

Luísa Correia
(prof. Bibliotecária)